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some_kinda_genius3 karma

I heard somewhere that they just give articles titles that sound interesting (regardless of whether or not it is misleading) so the article will get more page views. More page views = more ad views= more revenue.

some_kinda_genius2 karma

Just a heads up, (kinda too late now) but I'm pretty sure this guys a troll. He's just trying to get attention. The guy's name is SHITLORDHERE. That sounds like a name that I would've come up with back when I was 13 and I wanted to mess with people on chatrooms (21 now, for those who are curious). Anyways, I just figured I'd offer my two cents.

some_kinda_genius1 karma

Any idea why they made a cartoon instead of a sequel to Napoleon Dynamite? I really thought a full fledged sequel would have done better than a series of 15 minute episode.

BTW Napoleon Dynamite is one of the few movies out there that I can watch over and over again without getting bored with it. Thanks for doing this AMA.

some_kinda_genius1 karma

Hey! The guy doing the AMA responded. I don't really have a question, but I just want to say that it is completely bullshit how you got arrested for that Facebook post. It's funny how 9/11 happened 12 years ago and we are still acting like it happened last week. It's just really scary how badly the government took advantage of that opportunity to infringe on our privacy. I really have to give you credit for standing your ground and not taking any plea bargains. If you did, the NYPD could just justify their actions by saying "Hey, we were right all along". Hopefully, this will encourage people to stop using Facebook and other social media websites. It's starting to pretty much becoming an online data base for the government to use.