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some_shit_on_my_shit2 karma

I'm going to use this for my next major eval, so hopefully I get a good reply! ;)

At this point in my training, I (medic intern) most fear peds and respiratory calls. My adrenaline makes my hands shake, especially if its a pediatric respiratory call.

My question(s): what are some things you wish paramedics did in the field more often for your respiratory patients? Are there things that we don't have (i.e. racemic epinephrine) that you wish we did? Any tricks to intubating a crumping anaphylaxis pt? Any general tricks of the trade besides working feet up specific for peds?

some_shit_on_my_shit1 karma

How does your scope of practice compare to that of a nurse in a hospital? Do you have more standing orders? Is there a doctor on call or present at the prison with you to write/give orders?

some_shit_on_my_shit1 karma

You're full of shit.