Highest Rated Comments

sonofarex99 karma

How did you prepare for your role in Training Day?

You should have won an oscar for that. I loved it even more than your outstanding role in Independence Day.

sonofarex82 karma

How are these mobile games getting away with blatant ripoffs of other games and IPs?

I see so many advertised that are a simple card game that doesn't seem to even try to hide the fact that their characters are almost a pixel by pixel recreation of a pokemon/dota/league character

sonofarex17 karma

What's the only rule in Montez's bedroom?

sonofarex17 karma

If Frisky Dingo ever got remade, which character would you want to portray?

sonofarex15 karma

What's the biggest difficulty with running an escort agency? I assume it would be either the legal issues or the safety and security of the employees.

Also, any stories of customers who were out of hand and got the shit kicked out of them? Reddit loves that shit.