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soupmastergeneral22 karma

do you ever feel like using the weird/questionably sane non-actors in Tim and Eric was exploitative?

soupmastergeneral19 karma

I love your show China, IL especially the new longer season (I went to the preview screening here in LA)...but I feel like there's a certain looseness and poetry to your online stuff that's not there on the TV show. Would you ever want to do a show in which it was just a lot of little shorts (some reoccurring) in the same vain as your online content? I think that would be cool. Anyway, rock on!

soupmastergeneral4 karma

Did you guys have fun at comic con? I saw both of you separately at different points in the weekend!

soupmastergeneral4 karma

any future project ideas? I would love to see a lussenhop/pemberton tv show

soupmastergeneral3 karma

which is your favorite food, real milk dirt cup or mustard?