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soupnrc8 karma

You're awesome and I miss Destination Truth.

How scary were Chernobyl or that island of dolls, really?

soupnrc4 karma

Hi Lauren! Thanks for doing this AMA. Where did you get the idea for Tracy Rearden? Did it just sorta happen or was it something you already had an idea for before you started doing it? She's my favorite character on CBB and you're my favorite regular guest. You really crack me up.

And for your part of Jurassic World, how many days would you say that you spent on set? You don't have a giant role, but I'm curious how long it took to film your scenes.

Also, I love Chris Pratt and all, being a guy from Washington state, but I was most excited about you being in the movie! You're like, cool n stuff.

soupnrc2 karma

Thank you for getting to my question. I was curious because I've had an unhealthy fascination with the unexplained goings on of chernobyl.

I'm happy to see you on tv again. Good luck to you my friend.

soupnrc1 karma

Hello Hot Awkwardman

I'm a huge fan of the tv show and an even bigger fan of the podcast. I spend a lot of time in my car for work and CBB is the main way I pass my time driving to different customers. It helps me stay sane with a dose of insanity. Much like one would fight fire with fire, or so I'm told. So first, I just wanted to say thank you for all that you are doing to help entertain people. You and your crew are wonderful.

The question I have for you is as follows.

Would you rather have to eat only McDonald's food for one year and have it filmed as part of a popular documentary thus launching you into a new and prosperous career where you have to do equally difficult things one month at a time after that.


Own a walmart in the deep south? You must live in this town for the rest of your life but you make a lot of money and are allowed to travel for vacation.

Thank you

Edit: formatting