Highest Rated Comments

sp0ck06125 karma

My first wife was 'tarded.

She's a pilot now!

sp0ck0698 karma

Jill Stein and Gary Johnson seem like different ends of the clown spectrum to me.

haha, well put

sp0ck0691 karma

The geth don't use windows. Structural weakness.

sp0ck0686 karma

We're headed towards a Brave New World, not 1984. On reddit the NSA is a big deal but in general people don't seem to give a shit. The Powers That Be are very clever, they know the true path to total control is not through fear, but apathy.

In order to turn this around, we need a level of grassroots activism that we have not seen for many decades. We need 10s of millions of people to become actively involved in the political process

Does anyone seriously think this will happen? Not to be a debbie downer here, but the only way I see enough people actually getting involved to the necessary degree is if a major, average joe-affecting event occurs (like a draft). And TPTB are too clever to let that happen.

sp0ck0660 karma

Probably one of the best game endings ever IMHO.

It is, and a big part of that was your music :) Fantastic job, I love your work on the ME games.