Highest Rated Comments

sparrowA6 karma

your family has been in saudi for centuries.

sparrowA5 karma

he isnt Saudi blood.

being born in Saudi doesnt make you Saudi to clarify there are a lot of workers from other countries and even if you were born and living there for 40 years, once your dad, or your job is over you need to gtfo

sparrowA3 karma

To clarify: if Saudi feels your life is in danger, they wont kick you out. example: Burmese in Saudi get a stay from the king.

sparrowA3 karma


He isnt Saudi. its not like America where you can be born American. if your parents arent Saudi you will never be. Its like Japan, 5th gen koreans, dont know anything about korea. still foreigner. one difference is that Saudi kicks you out from what I hear, I guess japan at least lets them stay.

as for America he is on a student visa. after he graduates 1 year to stay and get a h1? visa or go gtfo. he probably has a f1, student visa

sparrowA3 karma

Dont go. From friends who are Russian they say you would not have a good time as a black person. I dont have first hand experience just what they told me. Even they dont want to go back and they are Russian. Mrs Ioffe obviously has real experience of what its like there. but get some different opinions