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specialsnowflaker1 karma

So I'm trans, and that naturally puts me as different from everyone in my life & career. The only other trans people I know are from communities I actively seek out. I've felt deeply disgusted by myself my whole life until I finally accepted the truth last year, and it's been a journey of self-acceptance ever since, and in doing so I've learned a lot about gender & what it means to be human.

My biggest fear (and I have nightmares about it) is when I come out fully, will it ruin my career ambitions, or will it help them? I'm hoping it will help them but terrified it will destroy my dreams. I've had my dreams crushed before, so I guess I can handle it, but this time will be very different.

What kind of insights do you have about this?

specialsnowflaker1 karma

Thank you so much for your response!

Yes, I do have trans communities I take active part in, and I'm sure if something goes down they will be there to support me. And I'm sure I can find a dayjob that appreciates me for who I am, that's not my concern. I guess I'm concerned my passion career, and the brand I'm building around it, will suffer if and when I come out.

specialsnowflaker1 karma

I will! Thanks for the recommendation.

I know whenever I ask advice from non-trans people, they get worried they don't know enough about the issues to give advice. I never rely on any one source for advice, and it's nice to hear from different perspectives, and trans perspectives have limitations, too.

I was intrigued by your title because being proud to be "weird" was how I coped with all this as a child & teen, when I didn't fit in and had no idea why. I am definitely going to check out your book and see what insights it offers!

Thanks again.