Highest Rated Comments

spooz30 karma

He loves his xbox and is a long time subscriber to xbox live but I'm uneasy about the very points you bring up. Thanks for the reply.

spooz27 karma

I know you indicate PS4 > XBox One. My son has used xbox since they came out but I'm concerned with all the negativity concerning the xbox one - do you think it is better to ditch Microsoft and go with Sony?

spooz19 karma

Of course he is (and he will) but I'm trying to learn enough about the subject to be able to have a discussion with him about the pros and cons of each unit. Since I don't play myself and don't really have many opportunities to interact with gamers I thought Xbox_Support_thrwy's IAMA a good chance to learn a bit more than I would otherwise.

spooz19 karma

Watership Down broke my heart. I hope you're happy.

spooz11 karma

How do you feel about the BBC shutting down the comments of it's website's Scottish section?