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sprocket_monkey7 karma

This can backfire though, if the victim is unpopular and the perpetrator is popular.

sprocket_monkey7 karma

Would you be offended if some stranger came and offered to help? I've heard on other AMAs, "I do this all the time, I know how to handle my chair / walker / (turkey?) better than you; eff off."

sprocket_monkey6 karma

It is the doctor's job not to prescribe drugs that won't help and that have side effects. Putting their own interests (getting good reviews) ahead of the patient's is a violation if the Hippocratic Oath.

sprocket_monkey3 karma

If a kid doesn't have life skills, it's usually not that their parents taught them nothing so much as their parents taught them the opposite. Mom may have explicitly told the kids that stealing is a good way to stick it to the man, or that college is for nerdy losers, or that birth control is a sin.

sprocket_monkey3 karma

Is the racial disparity in arrest rates the same for all crimes? If not, what (type of) crime is more common for blacks versus whites? Does one race tend to get bagged for what people think of as serious crimes (violent, I guess) while the other is mostly traffic stops and pot?