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spudd19891139 karma

DUDE, ITS THE WORST. I would 10/10 times rather snuggle up on the sofa with a lady friend and watch a movie than even go near a bar on my off time. You said it perfect.

spudd1989676 karma

Short story alcohol. Long story-a group of older women, who stuck out compared to the younger normal crowd were there to party. They were BOMBED, tripping and falling everywhere, probably due to drinking all day. They looked to be between 45 and 60. It was a group of 4 on a slow Sunday night. They were disturbing the other people there. I was the only bouncer on that night with the bartender, but he could do security if needed. So I approached them non aggressively and politely told them they were too full and would have to call it a night. One of them responded by saying I was "a cocky little shit" and "a baby." The insults did not faze me. I then became more stern as the situation called for it. The next thing I know I have a woman clawing my face and another punching me in the side of the head. The punches did no damage , but the clawing did. I had marks on my face for a couple weeks after, it was extremely embarrassing. Luckily they all pretty much fell over their own feet when I pushed them back. They got up, and then walked out on their own and cursed me the entire way. They were barred for life as a result, and they often try to come back but get denied entrance at the door.They have apologized to me personally several times. But no dice. Thats the just if it. Thanks for the question.

spudd1989668 karma

I agree with this 100 percent. Not only are they more tolerant, males show women are far greater respect, and are far less likely to respond physically when denied at the door. I have had great experience with women doing identification screening at the entrance.

spudd1989655 karma

In my rare experience with a celeb in the establishment they come with their own security, who most times show us respect and will diffuse the situation when we speak with them. So no.

spudd1989622 karma

Too many. Off the top of my head - 2 young females - after receiving complaints from other female patrons that "sluts were going down on each other in the women s washroom" I got there and they were, right on the sink. I was 19, I still laugh about it today. They left easy enough after I asked them. One of them said "It's my birthday."