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spudzilla30 karma

I believe that we need to honor the dead of 1/6 along with the dead of 9/11 this Saturday. All were killed by right-wing conservative nutjobs. They just happen to worship different images of an imaginary god.

spudzilla11 karma

Shouldn't we just start referring to the "bible belt" as the "ignorance belt"? For crying out loud, if someone said that 1+1=3 we would call them stupid, but if they say that the earth is six thousand years old and cavemen rode dinosaurs we are supposed to say the have "different beliefs"?

spudzilla7 karma

Cost wise, it makes sense. My sons collect vinyl now and they really are a bit pissed that I sold mine off as they were all immaculate. I buy them each three new albums for Xmas every year and the price absolutely shocks me every year.

spudzilla5 karma

Is there still a market for bootleg albums? I know it is risky, a guy I used to mail order from actually ended up being raided by the Feds and spent time in jail. Miss you, Archie Whitewater. Which of course was never his real name. Got some great Who and Stones live LPs from him.

spudzilla5 karma

I helped run a record store back in the seventies. Do the labels still send out promotional copies for the store to play? We would play them and then divide them among the staff when they were off the best-seller lists. I had around a thousand discs. Lost most in a flood. Finally sold the rest long ago. Kinda miss the covers but not getting up to change the side, I'm old and lazy now.