Highest Rated Comments

spyt68 karma

Do you go crazy with the horn like some guys do?

spyt5 karma

All it takes is the defendant to claim that they "saw bobby with 10 kilos of cocaine on 09/28/2011" for them to prosecuted for precisely that.

Hate to break the "fuck the system circlejerk" here, but I really want to see a reliable source on that one. This sounds like something I would read on /r/conspiracy.

spyt3 karma

Do you work for the city or a private company?

Do you drive the ambulance? If so, is it fun?

spyt3 karma

Egypt is in Africa, at least geographically.

The Middle East conflicts get attention because they are in Israeli (more importantly the US) and Russian sphere of influence.

spyt2 karma

Hope you enjoy prison. Get a good lawyer b/c you're fucked.