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sqgl350 karma

Take note everyone though: Humans have just as much in common with bonobo monkeys who are the extreme opposite of warlike. And I do mean extreme.

sqgl39 karma

Well he did just make a video which seems to be getting traction on Reddit at least.

sqgl36 karma

ICAC can not refer a matter to police. At least not in Victoria. IBAC found the head of the Public Trustees (Craig Dent) to be acting improperly but could only recommend that the Trustees refer the matter to the police. Of course they didn't. Trustees and Guardians are extremely corrupt in Australia.

Greens have been silent on the issue except from an ineffective exchange between Jenny Leong and the NSW Attorney General which was easily deflected by him, never to be raised again.

sqgl23 karma

On page 54 of the draft bill I can confirm Adam's claim:

The National Integrity Commissioner may deal with a corruption issue in any of the following ways:...

...if the corruption issue relates to a Commonwealth agency that is not the AFP—by referring the corruption issue to the AFP for investigation

I still would like to know from u/AdamBandt if the NSW style "loophole" regarding evidence remains.

sqgl23 karma

I want to know how Adam would even envision ICAC working.

People overestimate ICAC. In NSW any evidence presented there cannot be presented later in a court (where actual prosecution can occur). Clever politicians can exploit this and opt for an ICAC slap on the wrist in return for immunity from evidence in court.

I sent Jamie Parker the actual evidence of this fact when he boasted about getting onto an ICAC panel. I received no response.

I will gladly pass on that email to Adam if he is interested.

PS Fortunately, somehow Eddie Obeid still got convicted. About a dozen dodgy LNP politicians in the Barry O'Farrel NSW government got caught out by ICAC but did not get convicted.