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srone77 karma

Statler and Waldorf

srone38 karma

Given the current explosion of the prison population, especially with the advent of the 3 strikes laws in many states in response to cases such as Polly Klass and Kim Reynolds...what is the answer? What is your solution in reducing crime while at the same time reducing the ever increasing prison population, while at the same time ensuring the safety of the general population?

I did a research paper in college 20 years ago, and the last line of the paper was a quote from a convict who stated something along the lines that the 3 strikes laws would be the thing that would keep people from offending again.

srone16 karma

Any felony will put you away for life. The problem with out justice system 20 years ago was that some guy with a rap sheet pages long would finally commit a heinous crime and the public wanted to know why he was out in the streets. And yes, even stealing a pizza will put you away for life.

I wish you well and hope you make it. I know it will be tough as hell for you. Sounds like you've done a lot less damage to our society than Congress, the CEO's of B of A or Goldman Sachs and paid a much higher price.

Take care.

srone8 karma

Just perusing the first 50, I'd say a lot. Fortune 500 list

srone1 karma

Not so much of a question...but thank you. I eat your dinners at least a couple of times a week, and will even give some to my daughter without feeling guilty.
