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stareatthesun4422 karma

I went to one dentist, told me I needed a crown and a bunch of other dental work done. Being poor, I didn't do it.

6 months later, new insurance, new dentist. Got a new exam, he said I had 2 small cavities, and he filled them both. Said no crown was needed.

Was the first guy probably scamming me, or was the second just incompetent?

I didn't have any toothaches, and from the xrays the second doc showed me, the grey areas were really small, and in between my teeth.

stareatthesun4422 karma

Skinny guy here that just started working out a few months back. I’ve gained a decent amount of weight (up to 160), but I think I might be doing too much on my workout days. I do bench, incline bench, skull crushers, curls, chin ups, push ups, standing military press, standing shoulder shrugs, bent over rows and forearm work. Suffice to say, by the time I get done with that workout (Three sets each time, twice a week, due to hectic work schedule), I’m totally drained.

With all that being said, it seems like with programs like SS or SL, you are doing so much less. Being a skinny guy, I’m really going for size more than strength and the ability to do big deadlifts or anything like that. (though I know they can go hand in hand)

So I sum all that up to ask these two things:

What lifts/routines would you recommend to build the most size for upper body?

How needed are the isolation lifts? My triceps have gotten a lot bigger, but I don’t know if that’s a result of skull crushers, or standing military press, or whatever else I’m doing.

Other side notes – I use a basic home gym, bench, squat rack thing, an EZ curl bar, and a doorframe pullup bar.

stareatthesun4421 karma

Why do people focus so much on the roads, when that only accomplishes so much? Don't you think it'd be a better idea to focus on mass transportation that can entirely bypass roads?

stareatthesun4421 karma

Why are IPAs so much more popular than Hefeweizens? Are Hefeweizen beers harder to make or something?

Every “not beer person” I’ve ever met hates IPA beers, yet every bar has half their taps at least as IPAs and maybe one or two Hefeweizen beers.
