Highest Rated Comments

starlight34773 karma

What a coincidence it is to see this! I just moved to Austin and saw your sauce in a store here. My son is an excellent cook, and I thought we could share the bottle. It's funny, because I asked the guy there about your sauce. He said it was "ok, but not "interesting. They sell that in all the HEBs and everything." I was kinda smirking inside, because it just sounded pretentious to me. I'm a little shy, but I forced myself to ask, "What do you mean, interesting?" He pointed to some other, smaller, pricier bottles. They might have had a fruit or something to distinguish them. All I wanted was a general sauce, but one I hadn't seen before. I waited until he left the area before putting a bottle of your Habanero sauce in my basket :)

starlight34714 karma

They are! So, if you finally get a big distribution deal, you must suck now ...???

starlight34712 karma

So cool that you're doing this! Have you ever needed to be rescued yourselves? What was the situation and who helped you?

starlight3475 karma

Thanks for your replies, guys! Dan, we'll just leave that as a mystery! Glad you and Matt were rescued! Yeah, I can't imagine the stress and pressure of being a first responder. Thanks, guys and gals!