Highest Rated Comments

steeb2er130 karma

I feel like my vocabulary was greatly expanded by Disney movies as a kid. Expectorating, menagerie (Aladdin), snarfblat (Little Mermaid).

steeb2er99 karma

I just wanted to commend your work ethic, as it relates to your directing. You must be hustling year-round, because it feels like I'm constantly seeing your name in the opening credits of shows. Good work.

How difficult is it to acclimate to different shows, crews, casts, etc. on a regular basis?

steeb2er24 karma

Not true. Radio stations I have worked for had to submit logs and tax documents to the FCC for major prizes and giveaways.


Valid point from /u/Camel_Knight below. My answer was about bigger prizes. Small stuff (CDs, concert tickets, etc.) are often given away legitimately, but not always. Sometimes you can't get 10 people to call in to win a prize, so you choose someone earlier, choose a friend, or choose a person making a request some other time during your shift.

steeb2er19 karma

Technically, the New Testament is 27 books.

steeb2er18 karma

Depends on the market and cost of living. $30k in a major market doesn't go very far. $50k in a smaller market could be a very good living.