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stephentanksley4 karma

Hi Mac! Super excited to see you here. I'd love to learn a little bit about how you approach writing your cues.

Do you tend to map things out first and proceed more methodically though a new cue, or does it start primarily with improv and trying to nail the feeling of a cue before working out the details?

stephentanksley3 karma

Also, unrelated to my prior question -

Mr. Robot "1.4_2-impenetrable sd2" - at about :38" in, you have a really cool bass sequence. Is that programmed in an outboard synth's step sequencer?

stephentanksley2 karma

Makes sense. I find myself sometimes getting stuck trying to get too technical too quickly instead of really nailing the big picture down. Thanks!

stephentanksley2 karma

I use it all the time. I'm using some of the tracks from Mr. Robot S. 1 as inspiration for some stuff I'm writing for a video game being developed by a studio in Cyprus. Very exciting stuff and I get a lot of ideas from you. I like the idea of using the arpeggiator more.

stephentanksley2 karma

Awesome! I've been mostly using LPX's built-in arpeggiator, but I'll check that one out!