Highest Rated Comments

stop_reading__this3 karma

what does my question have to do with he time of arrival of a respondent? i’m asking a respondent what he thought the origins of the tragedy he responded to were. i think it is you who seems to have the misunderstanding.

stop_reading__this-2 karma

man shut the fuck up, i have no question about his motivations. i asked about his opinion on the event he volunteered to help for. go fuck off. it’s likely your stupid fucking party earned the us this travesty so piss off

stop_reading__this-2 karma

yes everything happens for a reason, i wanted to know what you thought the reason was. you absolutely can answer a question about a scenario you were in and had the ability in the 18 years after to research the topic and form a valuable opinion. thank you for responding to this, and i am sorry you had to respond to the tragic event in 2001. i sincerely hope you lead a life absent of any related disease. be well friend.

stop_reading__this-7 karma

I am not referring to an inside job. I am asking your opinion on it, not necessarily a wikipedia page. It seems interesting to hear from a responder.

stop_reading__this-7 karma

i am not referring to any conspiracy theory. i am wondering if you believe 9/11 was solely caused by terrorists with the only intention of “death to america” rather than it being a reactionary, yet wholly and definitively terroristic, attack. that’s all i wanted to get out of my question. if you are so resolute in maintaining you have a lack of experience sufficient enough to answer questions regarding 9/11, why would you post this? what sort of questions did you expect to be asked?