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stylz1687 karma

To be fair you're left with many quotable lines, especially from the songs.

stylz1683 karma

As far as being a dick. Theres nothing we can really do. The random screening just means you get your hands swabbed. We dont do random patdowns.

I get randomly selected for the patdown and my bags get checked quite often. In my case it could be my skin color (I'm Indian), but a 5 second conversation with me would show that the only accent I have is Jersey, with a hint of New York.

Over the years after 9/11, I've been randomly selected over a dozen times, out of various airports. The funniest moment I remember was being on a line with a traditional Sikh brother and watching the TSA agents select him for a random screening, letting the two other passengers behind him go, and then selecting me.

I won a $10 mock bet with the guy behind him that I would be tagged as well, even though I was wearing a Yankees hat and shorts.

stylz1683 karma

I've been riding buses for most of my life, and have never seen any driver actually do that.

stylz1682 karma

I agree with you 100%, but working in New York City, I've seen the worst of them as well.

stylz1682 karma

That's great advice. My girlfriend does the same thing. She'll buy a bagel and coffee for a homeless person, but will never give cash.

I'm a little bit more cynical, because I've seen the obvious fakers who are in it to make free money.