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subaahx3 karma

Guy: What’s Michael Fassbender like to work with, do you have any funny memories from the set of prometheus?

subaahx2 karma

David, firstly I wanted to say, you’ve talked about how there were certain films like Apocalypse Now that sort of arrived at a time when you were first learning about and truly loving film that shaped your taste and opened your eyes to what cinema could be. Animal Kingdom was that movie for me… Phew, getting that out of the way what I wanted to ask is, Will you promise me the soul of your first born child? (in all seriousness your movies mean a lot to me) Actual Q: Which directors and/or films of recent times have you really loved? (this is to both Guy and David)

subaahx1 karma

Any philosophers in particular you're a fan of?

subaahx1 karma

David: You’ve mentioned in an interview about studying philosophy at Uni. As someone who is studying phil right now I'm curious to know if Philosophy is something that you utilise in your filmmaking/writing or if it even comes into the equation?

subaahx1 karma

David, other than the technical education you received at film school which areas of education do you think has best aided you as a filmmaker? you’ve spoken on how you studied, Politics, Philosophy and Literature at university?