Highest Rated Comments

suffererhifi6 karma

who had the wildest supporters? have you played in any of the bigger and well known stadiums in the world? where would you like to play at? whats your favorite pitch?

suffererhifi6 karma

just becase something "may" have had a positive effect, doesn't mean it did. a lot of normal adults ran much much more wild than it sounds this kid did.

suffererhifi4 karma

it doesnt seem all that bad? trust me, having to spend any amount of time in jail sucks. the real punishment is the points on your license and those fuckin fees you have to pay.

suffererhifi3 karma

Ditto. It's a dream of mine to touch the this is anfield sign.

suffererhifi2 karma

i dont think anyone makes the case that private prisons are taking over. are they bad? sure. but nobody is making the case that ALL the prisons are privately run. thats the shitty thing about reddit, everyone only sees what they want.