Highest Rated Comments

supposedtobeworking1240 karma

This is the most interesting AMA I've ever read. Thank you for your service! I have two questions: Is there a part of our culture that could benefit from other cultures you've seen?

Before deciding to leave the CIA and write a book, were there other government carrier opportunities (when you came home) you thought about following?

supposedtobeworking199 karma

That's actually the most in depth answer I've ever gotten on an AMA. I asked because I buddy of mine from Afghanistan tells me stories about his family in Afghanistan and what the culture was like. I was just curious to see it from a different perspective. The guy is literally the most peaceful person I've ever met.

supposedtobeworking174 karma

Is there a code word or safe word for when this happens? Is there some sort of protocol to an emergency type of situation? Thanks for the AMA! Happy Halloween!

supposedtobeworking12 karma

Buddy of mine was released from prison about 4 years ago. He had a felony on his record. He had a tough time for the first month or two until he found a pool cleaning job. He's been on probation ever since but lives a completely normal and healthy life.

What all did you do in your free time? Was there a big difference in how the two states handle their prisoners? Thanks for doing an AMA!

supposedtobeworking12 karma

Do the calls ever reveal concern for the caller's safety? For example, has a caller ever mentioned some sort of abuse within a religious organization? What is it like and does the training cover a situation like that? Thanks for doing this, it's a very interesting AMA!