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surfrocksatan6 karma

Hi Emily and Gabra!

Emily, thank you for bringing our favorite Nomad to life! I know you've said in interviews that you have a passion for dance and music, so just wondering if you have any favorite tracks off of the Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack? Or do you have any current or ongoing favorite tracks in general that you are listening to right now? Thanks again!

surfrocksatan6 karma

So you're saying you have really cool preliminary Panam art, that's awesome. How cool would it have been if they also sent over a replica of her jacket? I'm just going to say it, not enough Aldecaldos Merch in the world. CDPR, if you're listening, throw us some merch! My eddies are just going to waste on things like food and rent anyway, boo!

surfrocksatan5 karma

Yet another reason we have no choice but to Stan. Legend.

surfrocksatan3 karma

Gabra and Emily, as an aspiring screenwriter, I do wonder what differences there are between scripts for the screen, video games and audio narration in general - Do you get sides? Are script revisions still color coded like film/tv and does it still fall under WGA? I'm so curious about the process for creative work outside of film/tv and how it's presented to voice actors from auditions to recording.

Gabra, do you have any tips for someone trying to break into writing?

Thanks again to you both for taking the time to do this AMA!

surfrocksatan2 karma

Great picks! Cheers.