Highest Rated Comments

surreality152 karma

My father was called in to do a lineup a YEAR after he was robbed while working in a drugstore. He refused and said he couldn't reliably point out one of those people after a full year. They made fun of him and gave him shit for it, because who doesn't want to falsely imprison someone?

surreality150 karma

Whoa! Is there a name for that condition?

surreality19 karma

Just wanted to say thank you for what you do. I wish I could give you more than the $10 I contributed, and I wish you and your team the best.

surreality18 karma

Other than donating, what can your average person do to make (any) impact on international health?

surreality15 karma

Hi Melissa, These questions are rather personal, so feel free to pass. Did doctors find out by testing you and/or your son whether you were a carrier? Did you receive genetic counseling and if so, did you find that it helped? Since it is so rare, my guess is even experienced doctors might not have seen a case like his before.

My thoughts are with you. Your advocacy is incredibly inspiring.