Highest Rated Comments

sweetplantveal485 karma

I'm a cook who made about 30% of my take home on tips in a (previously) busy food hall. I'm really really worried I'll "have my job back" at reduced hours and way lower volume. Aka a wage worker taking a 50% pay cut in the reopening.

sweetplantveal41 karma

Colorado person here. When you move back to the desert, you both get adjusted AND apathetic lol

sweetplantveal24 karma

Quick quiz, alleged Nova Scotian: Who's the greatest hockey player out of Cole Harbour? Who's the best? (edit meant to only have one best)

sweetplantveal24 karma

And how many amongst those poor, disproportionately affected communities have generous life insurance policies?

sweetplantveal23 karma

I hope you publish a version of the results that reads like this! I hate the hyper technical/dumbed down press release dichotomy in science writing. I really appreciate your accessible but technical and not patronizing tone!