Highest Rated Comments

t0f0b041 karma

Not enough people vote.

Too many of those who do vote, vote along party lines blindly.

The type of person (generally speaking) who is likely to be interested in public office, seeks power.

Money = power.

Money is given by interests who favor unfavorable bills.

The aforementioned persons vote the way the they were paid to vote.

Whenever a politician takes money from anyone, it should be noted in an online database that is publicly shared.

Edit: I searched and found this: www.opensecrets.org. This is interesting.

t0f0b011 karma

You should do an AMA, Mr. 4chan

t0f0b02 karma

Do you think we will get to a point (hopefully in the not-too-distant future) where it won't be solely Democrats versus Republicans?

t0f0b02 karma

A magic wish-flower suddenly blooms in front of you. You can wish for any of your creations to become real. What do you pick and why?

t0f0b01 karma

Do you see yourselves being the new Google at some point? Being bought by Google (as they tend to do)?