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t0rt01s338 karma

May be a stupid question, but how was it a continuous event if you had nightmares about the hospital staff and such?

t0rt01s313 karma

This is the first I’ve ever heard of this. Super interesting!

t0rt01s313 karma

What is the point/what can be gained from moving a small asteroid into orbit near the moon?

t0rt01s33 karma

I have a friend who is obsessed with serial killers--reading books about them, watching documentaries about them, etc. etc.--and I get the fascination with what motivates a serial killer, but I don't necessarily understand the weird glorification of them. I'm not saying this kind of obsession is what motivated you to write your book, but having said that, what did motivate you to write a book about Charles Manson?

t0rt01s32 karma

When I was working in the framing department in Michael's, this customer came in with an awesome poster of Ween he was getting framed. Somehow our conversation turned to love songs to girls and I was lamenting how there were no long songs sung to people with my name. He left with his frame, but the next day he came in at the end of the night while we were all cleaning up and gave me a burned CD of Ween songs and told me to listen to them. Lo and behold, there was "Gabrielle." It was an awesome intro to Ween.

Just wanted to share. If I had a question, it would be are you doing any writing for your upcoming album? And if so, will you write a love song to a girl with an unconventional music-lyric name?

Edit: typo