Highest Rated Comments

t_hab175 karma

Except you aren't doing it for your office. It's would be like an accountant just doing accounting problems all weekend with random girls and deleting the files in the morning.

t_hab64 karma

Half that if you share with a friend.

t_hab13 karma

At least a whole weekend.

t_hab5 karma

We shot Bear walking along the edge of a 600-foot cliff in Copper Canyon

Perfect crime. They'll never find the body.

t_hab1 karma

Do we know why the TPP is being kept hidden from the public?

All international trade agreements are done in private because there is so much back and forth and there are so many interest groups. If these negotiations were made public, there would be so much backlash from lobbyists that the agreements would be butchered and free trade would not be possible.