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taintedbrain77 karma

Fantastic questions! The best habit I've developed is visualizing my goal, and doing at least ONE thing every day, no matter how small, that gets me to that point. Two books I think guide me now more than others. One is Traction by Gino Wickman, which taught me the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), the other is Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal, which speaks about how we can apply lessons and mechanics of gaming to everyday life. Best SHORT book, by far, is Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite by Paul Arden. It taught me to be a notorious contrarian, in the best of ways. Three books, not one. I'm not good with directions.

taintedbrain54 karma

For ages, games have been designed to be won. I'm a notorious contrarian, and I got tired of playing the party games we have on game nights (about 50+ of them now) because winning got boring. And I felt bad about it, a lot of party games are awesome. So I thought, what if instead, there was a reason not to lose?

FTC will be an add-on that you can place on the table no matter what you're playing, and essentially punish the worst player each round, or the player that can't complete the task, or the player that's taking too long... etc. etc. It's very fluid in it's design and the goal is to adapt it to your game nights however you'd like.

In paintball, getting hit with the ball hurts. It causes pain. That pain is the incentive to not get shot, to not lose. Face the Consequences is that pain, but for game night. Maybe I'm just sadistic.

taintedbrain21 karma

Frankly, the game changer for me was finding someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I've always been crafty so I had found many ways to make some cash and get by. I had been a serial optimist, so I figured what the heck, everything will be fine. Now, though, I know things will only be fine if I MAKE them fine. I am in control of my future, not chance. I need to leverage my talents to further myself, and not hope that I'll just win some proverbial lottery. I have a family to take care of, after all.

taintedbrain19 karma

Let's be honest, almost everyone who works in IT thinks of quitting daily ;)

taintedbrain19 karma

A mobile app is in the works BUT no, I really like feeling of real things in my hands. It's a box of cards you'll be able to plop on the table when you walk into a party, even if they've already started playing a game.