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takaSC27 karma

Do you think the "weird" existential risk, friendly-AI strand of effective altruism and the "actually helping suffering people" strands can continue to co-exist as the movement grows? As global poverty EA continues to expand in size I have noticed a lot more griping and explicit attempts at "converting" or belittling people who are not on board with Ex-risk.

takaSC27 karma

I had read it was nearly impossible to buy land or property as a Gaijin in Japan. Especially at a reasonable price - do you know how much of a premium you paid?

What is your long term goal with the land? I mean - why do you want to own it rather than just roaming / hiking in the wilderness.

takaSC25 karma

As a cynic Mayday PAC troubles me. It seems like a huge scam to get tech aware democrats to donate to republicans in marginal districts in return for nothing except highly breakable promises. Realistically I can't imagine your donor base is more than 20% Republican but you seem like you are going to donate your money 50/50 and end up on balance giving key republican target seat candidates millions of dollars from democrats. Would it not have been better to set up 2 allied pacs (1 for each party) to avoid this?

takaSC25 karma

Jesse - last time you did an AMA you mentioned that you were probably not going to do any more seasons of PutThisOn and that the reaction to the last season had been disappointing. Could you elaborate on this a bit? I really enjoyed the show and it is a shame that it is not coming back :(

takaSC22 karma

Sad, but I can see it must have been a huge amount of work with those production values.