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tallyhallic18 karma

This is silly, bur I remember going to the grocery store and looking for the presidential cereal with marshmallow president heads. I even asked a clerk and described them in great detail. He told me "This isn't Pete&Pete, kid." I was hurt.

Would you support the creation of that tv only prop? What was your favorite episode to make?

tallyhallic6 karma

I love your brutal honesty. There's nothing worse than having everything sugar coated and essentially be lied to. My grandmother is in remission of lymphoma, and my father-in-law of prostate cancer. My friend's mother passed away from breast cancer two weeks ago. She was diagnosed 5 years ago, and was in remission for the last 3, but it spread to her lungs and hip. They ran out of treatments for her. She told me in her final days to spread her ashes at the Grand Canyon, because she's never been there, but the photos are so beautiful, she wants to be there forever. What is your favorite spot on earth? Tell me about your fondest memory of that place, or what you love about a place you've never been.

tallyhallic6 karma

Thanks for the kind words.

It's almost incredible that you picked Hawaii. I am planing my first trip there in March. I've heard the typical "it's beautiful, it's pretty" review of the islands, but your words almost put you right there. Toes in the sand, eyes closed, everything you'd hear and smell. It makes my heart even flutter! I'm glad you have such vivid memories of a place. It inspires everyone to really take it all in in the moment. I will think of you when I smell the plumeria on the air for the first time.

I hope some beautiful butterflies visit you soon :)

tallyhallic3 karma

THIS IS SO CRAZY My friend was wearing a Dismemberment Plan tshirt this weekend. So I asked him what your music is like, and he told me you were an act, and that you slowly dismembered yourselves on stage. After a long pause of complete seriousness, I appropriately threw up on the floor. Then he told me he was joking. So what kind of music do you play? Who has been your favorite musician/band you've played with?