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taniffy38 karma

I've heard that people with donated organs sometimes have new personality traits or tastes for foods that they never would have had before. Has this happened to you?

taniffy33 karma

When out in public, do people ever look down on you and Rachelle? Like do they ever make comments about how you're just with her because she's handicapped? Only asking because one of our good family friends had severe brain damage from a car accident and sometimes you can see the stares from others.

taniffy33 karma

Ah Degrassi! I would watch it at Christmas with my best friend and she was in love with you! Also, every time we went to Canada to visit family, I would tell my parents we had to find the Degrassi school. Unfortunately, never did :( Oh a question, what's the best memory you have of being on the show? And why did they cancel Life with Derek???

taniffy32 karma

That's so crazy! I'm from GA and we obviously love our peaches! I guess it interested me because of that episode of SO WEIRD all those years ago...

taniffy31 karma

First off, Good luck with everything and I hope for the best outcome! My question deals with the health insurance side of things. I am in school to be a social worker and wanted to know if you had insurance/forms of payment. Also, how much physical therapy have you had/started?