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tautologies929 karma

Cancelling the F-35 would lead to the US having to repay the other countries that have been part of footing the bill for the F-35. At this point in time, it will be cheaper to continue for all the reasons you point out.

tautologies141 karma

You seem to be the right kind of crazy. I am just a few minutes in, but the seagull is hilarious.

What made you make this movie?

tautologies18 karma

So I have been vegetarian for animal protection and for environmental reasons for 25 years. The same problems that we see today in abuse of animals were happening 25 years ago, and we knew full well how bad factory farms were for the environment.

Why do you think we have not been successful in disseminating this information? Very few laws have been fundamentally changed, and the meat consumption is higher than ever and large factory farms still abuse animals. What can we do to improve the life of these animals?

tautologies11 karma

paying people's student loan debt isn't investing in education. Paying for education that people have yet to receive, or lowering tuition, would be investing in education.

100% correct. I think 2 could have some other benefits, but in principle I agree.

tautologies7 karma

There are a few great examples of this. Honda Fit was called Honda Fitta...it was ready to be launched. Materials produced and sent out...only it means pussy in Norwegian. As a Norwegian I approved of the name, but alas they chose to rename.
