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techtonic6930 karma

My sister is a type 1 diabetic and has had this same issue since she was 16. We have her go once a month to a hair club and they use a glueing process to put hair on her head for the month. Are you using a similar program or consumer wigs?

techtonic6913 karma

Ah okay cool, is it pricier getting them custom made? I know the program is fairly expensive and I'm trying to find alternatives which could cut costs when she is not under my parents insurance anymore.

techtonic691 karma

I don't think there are chips in the vaccine, I thought when I read this title that you were referring to people taking DARPAs chip for screening etc.

techtonic691 karma

What made you choose the price point you did? Great original concept, cool gameplay but to me at least seems overpriced. I have played it at a friend's before and enjoyed it but have been told it's a 2-3 hour game. Unless you are someone who will repeat the game many, many times I don't see the time/value equation at the price point it is. This is the only thing stopping me from buying it for VR. This is not meant as an attack, not trying to be negative just genuinely curious how developers rationalize price points.