Highest Rated Comments

teh_spazz22 karma

Numerous studies have shown that women before the age of 30 have a strong likelihood of changing their mind if they get sterilized. OB/GYN physicians will not conduct this procedure because of previously studied data.

teh_spazz17 karma

Pull it. Infection could lead to your death.

teh_spazz7 karma

It's also about drug delivery. Taking an enzyme that can stay in the gut (lactase) is a lot easier than designing an enzyme that needs to cross the blood-brain barrier (PHE hydroxylase). That's the main challenger.

teh_spazz5 karma

How are docs treated? Private quarters?

teh_spazz2 karma

Did your mother use Lithium while you were pregnant? I'm not being accusatory, just curious as Lithium use during pregnancy is a cause of ebsteins.

Edit: also, it's Ebstein's anomaly. Epstein is the name in the Epstein-Barr virus.