Highest Rated Comments

tempcho89 karma

How hard is it to teach English as a non-native in Japan (I can see that you are a native speaker) ? I have a B.A. in English Language and Literature and 4+ years of experience teaching children.
Also, is teaching English a good long-term plan in Japan?
If not, which other of the places you worked in would you recommend?

tempcho27 karma

I see, thanks for the reply!
Are the wages sufficiently high to live by yourself?

tempcho2 karma

Hmmm, just looked it up. They want to do interviews face to face, understandable. Is it easier to land a job while in Japan or in their requirement countries? If I don't land a job, it will be a nice tourist trip either way.

How much money should a person carry with them when visiting Japan looking for a job?

tempcho0 karma

Oh, I didn't mean to work on a tourist visa. I just guessed it's easier to do the interview and find a job while in japan. If it's unavoidable, I will do a re-entry for the work visa.