Highest Rated Comments

tenspot2064 karma

I smoked two packs a day for 25-30 years, and was able to quit smoking cigarettes completely in only 24 hours after starting vaping. From there I was able to gradually wing-off the vaping over the following year. Today I am 3 years vape and smoke free, and my lungs having more problems now than ever before, but I feel like I am finally starting to healing.

tenspot2030 karma

Why mention that you even associate with Vox? Seems counter productive to your proclamation. If I see Vox, I naturally become skeptical of the accuracy of said content.

tenspot2021 karma

Thank you kindly! The issues I am currently having are, wheezing in the morning, some thick, dark, mucus, some instances of labored breathing, some isolated instances of chest congestion and irritability, and near constant heartburn. Things that have drastically improved, lung capacity vastly improved in the first year. Never get coughing fits any longer, nose works again, tastebuds work again, less nervousness and anxiety, no headaches ever, more motivated in general, clearer head. I also hit the gym 3-4 times a week and this too has greatly improved my breathing condition.

tenspot201 karma

As a working pharmacist, have you ever been paid or compensated for promoting one product over another? If so, which products and by whom and how much were you compensated? Are these "pay-offs" a common thing in the UK?

tenspot201 karma

When you say "U.S. Citizen", you mean "Legal U.S. Citizen", right?