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tetriminos5 karma

What are your thoughts on vegetarians by choice, and have they changed? I'm wondering if it's anything like being celiac with the whole gluten-free fad.

tetriminos3 karma

Did you meet any prisoners you got along well with? Any that were really difficult to deal with?

Did the guards limit how much time you could spend treating them? I've heard in some prisons they're really hardcore about making sure medical treatment isn't a treat for the prisoners.

Why did you quit?

What are you doing now? (That's a bit personal. Obviously you don't have to answer.)

Edit: One more question - Any comment on psychiatric care in prison?

tetriminos2 karma

Awesome. My cousin is a camera man for a local news station - he's got a degree in journalism and done a lot of volunteer work to get there. :)

tetriminos2 karma

Did you have any medical issues as a baby?

What do you want to do when you finish school?

On the issue of drinking - as a young adult with medical issues, I would just like to add that nobody else cares if you do or if you don't, so if you never drink at all when you're old enough, it won't matter and you won't risk messing anything up. Also, everyone likes the designated driver.

tetriminos2 karma

What I'm getting from this AMA is that you believe that handling bullying better is the key to minimising violence in schools, rather than more gun laws? Obviously you sued the school district and did this AMA, but are you involved in lobbying in other ways?