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thackworth43 karma

If you don't have a pulse ox, some Samsung phones have one in their health app. It's now included in the "Stress" measurement. This is only my experience, but I've compared it against the ones I use at work and, while I'd never use it in the hospital to replace my approved equipment due to legal concerns, it seems to give very consistent readings to my work equipment and I'm comfortable using it at home for personal use.

thackworth35 karma

Nurse checking in. I've compared mine against the pulse oximeters I use at work and they've always been very close. Close enough that I'm comfortable using for myself/my family. One caveat is that it's hard to get my toddler to hold her finger still long enough for it to read.

thackworth3 karma

Not OP, but I work as an RN in an inpatient psych unit. A big thing for me is leaving work at work. When I clock out, that's it until I clock back in. We're also encouraged to have an outside outlet, something to prevent burnout. I play video games. And on my unit, at least, it's easy for us to transfer out if we need to or take a mental health day. I also have a specific playlist that I save for the drive home on those really, really bad days.

The hospital I work at has paired with one of the local behavioral health offices to offer a few sessions of counselling per employee per year if we need it so that's awesome.

thackworth1 karma

I suspect you've worked with the various dementias in LTC...my question is how you feel about sending patients to acute psych facilities when they get out of hand? I work in an acute geropsych unit and I feel that there there is a lot of animosity between us and some of the local nursing homes. We get them back to baseline, or as close as possible, then sometimes, they call and say nothing's changed. We send directions for redirecting, what works with them, etc. So, I guess I'm asking what can we do better? Sometimes their new baseline includes some aggression. If we just keep them sedated, they have no quality of life, if we don't, we get complaints.

thackworth1 karma

Not OP but I do work psych. Have you tried anything else for seizures?