Highest Rated Comments

thatnubian10 karma

Hi there! First off, I'd like to commend your work on this project thus far. As someone who has lived in East Africa, I fully understand the importance of this for many people.

My question is: what makes your project one with longevity? One that isn't an act by a "white saviour"? Do you intend to educate doctors and engineers in Kenya? Rather than have a bunch of foreign doctors, will this be an opportunity for Kenyan/East African doctors to be employed and practicing?

This is a very loaded question, so please feel free to answer as briefly or detailed as you wish! :)

thatnubian1 karma

Hello Ms. Klein, Your book "No Logo" inspired me to pursue a career in marketing, to challenge the status quo. I'm a recent UofT graduate, working at a startup in Toronto. What are your opinions on employment in the creative industry in leiu of Stephen Poloz's comments on unpaid young workers?