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thats_bone3 karma

Hey Fon! How's it going, big fan of all the movies you mentioned.

Kind of an off the wall question, but have you ever seen or heard of any of the type of stuff Harvey Weinstein is accused of doing? I realize that world is a few levels up in the industry, just wondering that stuff trickles down into the nuts and bolts of the industry as well.


thats_bone2 karma

The richest country in the world, America, has had hardly any implicated business people. This is a huge anomaly. Coupled with your refusal to let the public see the data itself, how can you protect your journalistic integrity against the charge that you've been paid off to protect the highest level violators? It is eerily reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's refusal to release her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs. People want the truth and are growing more and more tired of Government and media keeping the information to themselves.

thats_bone2 karma

Have you seen the movie Poverty Inc?

It says some horrible things about NGO's and the people who participate in them. I personally hated the movie and think that its noble to educate and feed Africans.

Has there been any talk of a shifting tide in the effort to modernize Africa?

thats_bone1 karma

What is the best way to convince people that man made global warming is real? The corporations keep tricking the common citizens into believing there is no scientific consensus. It's actually pretty depressing and sad. Thank you.

thats_bone1 karma

I wish I had more time to elaborate, but how do you plan to address the crisis of white working class Britons who voted, based primarily on racist motivations, to leave the European Union?

They seem to almost be ungovernable and I've just never heard of a plausible strategy to deal with their ilk. What can you or your party do to bring them back into the fold of real Britons?