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the-infinite-jester1 karma

My step-mother works with Vital Voices and has been to Cambodia to work with Mu Sochua and Somaly Mam, setting up guerrilla radio stations to help report sex-trafficking activities, and she helped to work on the Redlight documentary.

My family is very interested in getting as involved as possible in working to stop human trafficking. Assuming that money is no problem, but time is, what can we do to help? Then on the flipside, assuming that money is tight but time is no constraint, what can we do? And worst case, when money and time are both very tight, what is the minimum that we can do from home? What are some good organizations to support that work on stopping international trafficking- child, sex, and otherwise?

Thank you for what you do. Please feel free to PM me with any information you have also; my heart could not go out to your cause any more than it does.

the-infinite-jester1 karma

amazing! Thank you so much, I'll definitely have to check those organizations. and I unfortunately do not speak Chinese :(

the-infinite-jester1 karma

my GOD man, let it gooooo