Highest Rated Comments

the_peppers44 karma

Ok can we slow down a minute here? If this was a marketing event do you think they'd make sure the links in the post actually worked? Both the buy the album and concert tickets links are missing.

What we've got is some super gushy fan-boi questions all being posted right as the AMA starts, many from new accounts.

Yes this could totally all be the result of some utterly incompetent marketing team. Or it could be genuine fans, many without reddit accounts, who saw the twitter post and gushed their hearts out as soon as the ama started.

So far I've not seen any real evidence that it's the former rather than latter, aside from the traditional reddit cynicism and pitchforkery.

the_peppers44 karma

People dumping bodies in the sea is hardly a conspiracy theory.

the_peppers42 karma

Oh, also you're kinda just an asshole in general. Intentionally misgendering trans victims of abuse? Seriously?: https://www.kirbysommers.com/newsletters-archive/2021/2/10/jeffrey-epstein-call-me-janice

They call them by "he" in the first paragraph about their birth and feeling like they were a girl, then subsequently refer to them as "her" for the rest of the article. It isn't perfect but that doesn't seem like intentional disrespect or asshole behaviour at all.

You appear to be trying to smear this person as an anti-semite when all she's alleged is that Epstein had Mossad connections. We know he had CIA connections so how the fuck is that an anti-semitic suggestion?

If you believe that someone is running a pedo-ring for the global elite then the idea that they have used this to gather compromising material on their clients, giving themselves a staggering amount of global influence in the process, makes total sense.

the_peppers35 karma

Hi Dan! Thanks for making me laugh so hard, and for your openness and honesty about yourself - it makes real creative success seem not so totally fucking impossible so thank you big time for that.

How has your enjoyment of the creative process changed over the years? Does your greater experience mean you can see the outcomes and possibilities more vividly, or are you now just a jaded, joyless husk?

the_peppers28 karma

but surely a channel called red pill blue pill is going to feed me balanced information, the have both pills!

thanks btw