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thedesimone2 karma

Hey guys,

What were some of the inspirations for the mechanics of the Cypher system? The Numenera corebook lists setting inspirations (second question being are there any other films/shows you would put on that list for The Strange [my players asked me this last night while we were trying to figure out what to watch]), but I would love to hear more about your experience at WotC, developing Ptolus, etc. (also relevant experience for Shanna and Bruce [though for Bruce I'd ask what are the challenges and pleasures of coming into the Cypher system already established] and how that led to the formation of this system.

Furthermore, what are the difficulties inherent in writing story content for RPGs that you find aren't there when writing short stories, scripts, and other forms of media meant to be less interactive (if any)?

thedesimone1 karma

Is there any way backers could be privy to details on your play sessions? I'd love to see how the pros go about tinkering on their own works.

thedesimone1 karma

From a business development side, what have been the biggest challenges in founding MGC and developing new properties while staying in the black and keeping enough capital on hand for future development? How integral to your future plans as a company are Kickstarter funding (and other sorts of crowdsourcing funding)?

thedesimone1 karma

Oh okay I had thought five meant in excess of yourself, MC, and Shanna. Quite the lean ship you're running. Well I am thrilled by what you've already put out and wish the best for the upcoming endeavor.

thedesimone1 karma

Of your full-time staff (save yourself and Shanna), what's the breakdown of their duties? What do you find can be contracted out and what needs to be kept in-house? As a more general industry question, how prevalent are NDAs and how restrictive are they? Is IP theft a major concern?