Highest Rated Comments

theduke92461 karma

My girlfriend thinks How I met your Mother is better than Seinfield. Where should I look for another girlfriend?

theduke94 karma

Hi Craig, I really appreciate you standing up for what you believe. I support what you are doing. Some say it doesn't matter organic or free range vs non. In my opinion free range chicken tastes 100% better. I also like the moral aspect of treating animals raised humanly. Anyways, are there things to look out for to ensure you are receiving truly free range chicken meat?

theduke93 karma

Be honest, do you use spam calls to train your AI? I feel like this is the only realistic reason for these spam callers to exist at this point..

theduke93 karma

Is your hourly pay higher than the price of large meal from McDonald’s?

theduke91 karma

Yao, It is great to see advocate of wildlife and the environment. These days people enjoy living in their little bubble and often dont think about consequences, and the ripple effect their actions may cause in the wild.

What is your favorite animal?