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thegeorgeknapp17 karma

I have not spoken to Art in awhile but we have a standing agreement to get together soon. I have heard the same comments you have about his dissatisfaction with the radio show but I really don't know if he has the fire in the belly to jump back into that arena. Life is good for him right now. I support the general idea of disclosure and think they had a top notch lineup--with a few clunkers thrown into the mix. However, as I mentioned in response to another question, I do not believe disclosure is going to happen, now or anytime. I do believe, as J. Vallee has said, that there is a treasure trove of UFO evidence somewhere because the government is the one with the sensors and radar to collect such info, but IF it still exists, it most likely has been transferred out of the government and into private or corporate hands so that someone like me could never find it via FOIA, or--more likely--so no one in Congress could find it. I have been told by person who are highly placed and whom I trust very much that a policy similar to disclosure is underway now. it is something akin to confirmation of the basic core story. It is a gradual, long term strategy and will not involve a sudden announcement by the President. We have all heard rumors about this sort of thing in years past. For the first time, I now believe something really is going on. I applaud S. Bassett for his commitment to the cause. as a 1st amendment guy, I beleive in the public's right to know, but--as mentioned--disclosure is not going to happen, not unless it is done by another major government or by some kind of irrefutable gesture by "the visitors", whoever they might be. They seem to have shown no interest in giving us proof positive, beyond tantalizing glimpses, so ti seems like they favor a gradual release as well. I have not met Greer but am not a fan. Every time I get an email from him, he is asking people for money, and it always seems like the issue of the day is about HIM, more than the phenomena. Maybe if I had a chance to meet him face to face, I would form a different impression.

thegeorgeknapp12 karma

I was flabbergasted. I had never really delved into the UFO subject prior to hearing the wild stories told by John Lear, and then the even more incredible scenario described by Bob Lazar. I knew that IF it could be proven, it would be one of the biggest stories of all time. I don't think I will ever have proof positive that the story as told by Lazar is (or was) true, but I have enough testimony from other people who worked out there, and enough circumstantial evidence, to give it credence. If I didn't think there was something to it, I would not still be working on it 24 years later.

thegeorgeknapp12 karma

Tough question. I've thought about it a lot over the years and have talked about it with several high ranking folks who share my interest but who can't admit it publicly. The UFO true believers are their own worst enemies. The hopelessly gullible saucer nuts who allege that everything seen in the sky is an ET craft, or the hucksters out to make a buck, or the assorted conspiracy nuts who have taken the topic and folded it into their own favorite paranoid view of the world have done so much harm to the respectability of the subject. I don't see any of that changing, and I do not believe for one second that disclosure is going to happen. Leslie Kean, Richard Dolan, and Stan Friedman and a few others have done a good job of focusing on the best cases, the ones with the most documentation or the ones involving national security. That is the best strategy, I think, because it would give brave scientists with an interest in the subject something to look at. There IS physical evidence to study if someone has the balls to look at it. I see at least a little bit of change among some younger scientists.

thegeorgeknapp10 karma

I am not sure how much longer I will be doing this. I have the best job in the best news organization in Nevada, and Las Vegas is one of the most interesting news towns in the world but the public tends to want younger faces on television so I am not certain if I will still be welcome as I enter my dotage. (My employer is very supportive, and so is the audience--at least, to date.) I have the freedom to work on almost anything that interests me but it needs to be related to the Las Vegas market. One thing I would like to tackle is china. I know their govt. is interested in UFOs, as is their public and some scientists. Might be a tough nut to crack but I think I'd like to give it a try.

thegeorgeknapp9 karma

No apology necessary. Fair question. There are many unanswered questions about Bob and some of the "proof" that helped convince me he is being truthful is hard to explain. That was a strange time, and you almsot had to be there to udnerstand some of it. We were followed. I know this because two of the guys who drew that assignment later admitted it to me after they left their employment. And the phones were tapped. I know this because 6 people who called with offers to give me information were visited, one right after the other, by people claiming to be from the government, reminding them that they were still subject to security regulations. One lady who worked in the court system here had her life threatened. In addition, there were a lot of thing that Lazar claimed--and was first to allege--that later turned out to be true. One example--the Wednesday night flights of s glowing saucer shaped craft above Papoose Lake. he said they would happen, and they did, as witnessed three weeks in a row and recorded on video. I fully understand why people would have doubts--because I had the same doubts, and still harbor a few. My gut feeling is that Bob Lazar told the truth as he knows it, but whether that story is the objective truth might be another matter. It was one heck of a strange ride. (There are many other things he knew which have been confirmed and I will go into them later if you want.)