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thegreyeyedwolf8 karma

I'm utterly moved by all the interest you guys showed so far. You really made my day rn. Keep the questions coming! I'll visit him in the next days (probably 09/13/16), tell him everything and we'll make sure to answer alot of questions! I'll also post some pictures of his time serving & youth.

thegreyeyedwolf4 karma

First off, sorry for the late replies. My grandfather and I are seperated by some kilometers which makes it unfortunately harder to reach him.

Now let's get it going.

'I felt that I was fighting for nothing' 'I never wanted to fight, I was forced to.' 'I never believed that the war could have been won, but If I didn't fought back then... I wouldn't be here. They would have probably shot me.'

thegreyeyedwolf4 karma

'Back then, I was captured by the russian forces and was forced to work in their camps.' 'However, we could escape one day and tried to return to germany.' 'I do remember that when we came back, german soldiers formed a kind of circle around Berlin because they just didn't want to give it up.' 'As I knew that the war was lost and staying would just be suicide, we moved towards brandenburg'

thegreyeyedwolf4 karma

'Thank you.' he laughs 'So, I do sleep alot. And I've been doing a nap on the daytime ever since I turned 60. I think that it helps me in order to feel better. Also, I always reminded myself on living reasonable. I don't overact on anything. I don't drink alot, never did. And I don't smoke.' 'What was the second question?' I repeated it 'Yeah, the advancement of the technology. For me its scary. If I look back on my life, I just can't understand how everything changed.' 'I do think, that there are literally just a few downsides to it. Everything, especially communication has become so easy.'

thegreyeyedwolf4 karma

'For me it's the advancement in technology, especially communication.' 'You would just laugh If you knew how I used to call someone back then' 'I had to talk through a cone-thingy which was fixed at a wall which made it rather awkward to talk to someone.'