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thekingoftherats191 karma

have you seen the new movie gravity? if so what did you think of it?

thekingoftherats37 karma

Hey Billy, Im a big Pumpkins fan. I have two questions: 1. What was it like touring with the Nirvana Pearl Jam and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1991? 2. Any chance you guys play Bonnaroo this year?

thekingoftherats2 karma

Hey, if I am understanding this correctly (its entirely possible Im not) the software allows you to hear the sound of colours because you yourself cannot see the colours. How does this not result in constant sensory overload, if everything you see is essentially emitting a sound? How are you able to carry conversations with the constant sound? I know at least for me it is easier to see one thing and hear another than hear two things.

thekingoftherats2 karma

Where is the chip implanted into your body? I have no knowledge outside of what happens in science fiction of body augmentations such as this but is it in/connected to your brain? If this is the case are you not worried about the danger that could come from trying to update/fix it? Would it be possible for such a process as updating the software to be done through the internet wirelessly? If so are you at all worried as you/more people go forward with such procedures about the dangers of creating/deploying essentially computer viruses for the human body?